Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Home Improvements

Hi all,
Painted the trim around my breakfast bar choc. brown and i did it all myself and it looks fab!
Sometimes i amaze myself..
Nothing really much to tell, except for my night is going well..or shall i say went well..
My secret guy came over tonight and it was yummy...Like candy..heheheahahha..Well my dsl is working great computer is fast and no more waiting for's great..i soooo recommended it to anyone who has dial up...
I know i am boring but that's really about it

Saturday, February 28, 2009

I am soo done

i am soo done with people that i think are my friends. The only real friends are my sisters "The Girl" and "D",,now understand these 2 people I can always , always depend on to have my back..even if I am wrong ( which I never am, lol)..This blog is becuase i thought that my bff would never be in c0mpatition with me over a man.

I am so upset i am cryin. F this blog I am out.I hope you are having a way better night then i AM

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy as a pig in shit!

I am sitting here tonight most likely at the moment the happiest person alive...And it's all because I purchased this cute laptop computer..Now you see, before i brought this today..I had to deal with a slow ass computer..sitting on a hardwood chair with my back killin me and not being able to watch the t.v. cause i' m stuck in the dining room in a f'n corner...

Well guess what i'm doin now, i'm sitting on my couch warm under a fleece throw blanet, with my beer, cigs.., smoke ..laptop and watching my favoirte show The Biggest Loser!
I cannot get any more comfortable!

Shout out to "The Girl" for all her help this week with the piece of shit computer I had her ya sis..
Good night all bloggers..sweet dreams!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

For the Gals!!

One day my housework-challenged husband decided to wash his Sweat-shirt. Seconds after he stepped into the laundry room, he shouted to me, "What setting do I use on the washing machine?"
"It depends," I replied. "What does it say on your shirt?"
He yelled back, "University of Oklahoma."
And they say blondes are dumb...

A couple is lying in bed. The man says,
"I am going to make you the happiest woman in the world."
The woman replies, "I'll miss you..."-

"It's just too hot to wear clothes today," Jack says as he stepped out of the shower, "honey, what do you think the neighbors would think if I mowed the lawn like this?"
"Probably that I married you for your money," she replied

He said - Shall we try swapping positions tonight?
She said - That's a good idea... you stand by the ironing board while I sit on the sofa and fart.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Hail to the "Cheif" and Yes I mean 'THE GIRL"!!

Hi All,
My computer has been down and I have been going thru withdraw.Now you may be many days..weeks.has it's been..Well only a day! lol and I was going crazy..NO FACEBOOK..WTF!!!!! Well my sis "the girl " came over for dinner "and what not" and she got me back online...Thank you sis!! I have noticed that I lost 3 followers tonight..(I know i am boring") but i would of never have noticed until "The Girl" told me what happned to her...
Wow. I don't have much to say but hey atleast I try..
Night everyone 10 of ya' work tonight!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

I went "UNDERGROUND" with "the girl" last night!

So last night I was out with my Sis "The Girl"...and man was that some funkie ass fun!!!

All started with "the girl" inviting me to the Hockey game, which I gladly accepted..haven't been to one in a very long time...Sister night out...sounds like a blast...i go downtown to meet her at work...And and the fun begins...We went to this place called the Mission Grill where all the fancy lawyers and shit hang out...was so crowded but we made it work....Down as much beer as we could ..well because it was free for an hour...Got our buzzz....And then it happen..The Girl takes me underground...Which was kinda cool but kinda spooky to with all the shady people lurking around down there....We stop in the Deli to get a beer and a sandwich and we get kicked out...we must of been sitting there to long and they wanted to close! lol..And then OMG we get on the Subway!! AHHHHHHH......Wasn't so bad when it started emptying out, lol..then off to the game where i can't even tell ya if the phantoms won, cause we were talking and laughing our asses off...

Then off to mcFadden' time...had some drinks and waited for our ride to pick us up...

think i got in around 1:30..not sure...All I k now is that is was AWESOME!!!

Thanks "Girl" for inviting me!!! lol...

Hope everyone's having a great alot of cleaning to do..since i haven't been doing it cause i was on the couch for 4 f'n days sick as a dog...

UpDAte on the Neighbors...Puppie is still there and getting big and no lie...Getting mean!!!!

They might be training it that way and i don't like it cause when I come home from work it's on the front porch, not even on a leash....Wish someone would come kidnap it and take it away...

I don't want to have to worry about my 2 babies out back in my yard and the pitbill getting to them...Cause I'll f'n kill everyone in that house..(just kiddin cops)...

Peace out Peeps !!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I'm Home from UNO FEST!!

Hey All, I'm home from Uno Fest and I did NOT come home with the trophey..But I had a Blast!
I came home with 37 bucks in winnings and a nice load!
My Ma and Pa i think had a better time then I did...They were laughs and giggles al night long and it was sooo great to see my parents act like teenagers like that...
sis ..if you coulda saw it you woulda cracked up was soo sweet!
Any way ..hope ya all had a great Sat. night..I'm off to bed..Sweet Dreams bloggers!!!

Hum-Dity Hum-Dity Do....

Hi Everyone, Man this day is b.o.r.i.n.g!!!! UGh....It's so nice out and nothing to do...
Not much happening here, been kinda quite (even next door) Hmmmm...Puppy is still there just have to wait and see what happens!!!
Sis..Hope your feeling better!!!
Loni...I confirm ya on Facebook! Thanks!!!
I do have one thing to look forward to .and that is tonight...Every 1st Saturday night of the month..We all get together and have an UNO FEST/L.C.R. Fest...Great time , lots of drinking, smokin and cussing and don't forget eating...(which i will not indulge tonight since my diet of Lean Cusine and Beer are going great!!) It's pretty cool....There are 7 of us that play..But every once in awhile, we'll have a special (it's crazy, we have an UNO Trophy and all) Well actually there are 3 special guest tonight...They are My Mom, Dad and D...(they don't play every month just this time) it will be fun, but now i have to watch what I say and drink...So to get into the Uno Fest...You must follow the rules, and the rules are quite simple...
b) Every person must contruibe $5.00, that is for the Feast that we have...(Tonight's menu, is Pulled Pork ...Plus ya know the usual, dips , chips ...veggie trays, fruits)
c) No grumps or Lumps!! You must have fun..
d) You Must bring back the Uno Trophy back to the next game /next month...(the winner takes it home for a month)
e) Special Guest do not take the trophy home...They can sign it..but can't leave the uno house.
(because they are Special Guest..they don't play everymonth and that would suck...If the next game you won, and the trophy is not there for you to take home!!!)

Well that's about it , think I'm gonna go nap before the big Fest tonight..And know what else rocks...The House we play at (my friend weiney's) is on my, I don't have to drink and drive , i get to crawl a couple of doors down! lol
Have a good night everyone!!! Happy Saturday!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Happy Friday!

Hi All..Hope everyones having a great friday..I decided to stay in tonight and save some money for the Vegas Trip....So I got a case of MICH ULTRA (96 calories...oh by the way i tried that Miller beer that has 64 calories..the worst fucking beer ever brewed ya'll!!!!)
My Smoke...(just kidding cop'ers)...and my Lean Cusines...cause ya know i'll be getting the munchies and now i won't have to feel guilty!!
My Friends already are calling wondering where i am...LEAVE ME ALONE..I'M TRYING TO SAVE MONEY AND LOSE WEIGHT YOU DRUNKS! LOL..Nahh i love them but..God..can't they party without me..I know i'm fun and all but cum on peeps , on night without me is not going to kill you all! (just kiddin..or am i???)
well i hope you guys are having a great night!!! it's f'n cold out , so me and my babies are all snugglie warm at home...
Oh and the neighbors are up to something..i dont' know if the pysco's are fighting or what but it's loud..i can hear them through the walls..and i heard the dogs barking , so the puppie is still in hell..

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Silence is NOT golden!!

The title says it all!! It's been to damm quite over there...and i haven't heard the puppy at night...
Hmmmm..Hope's she alright and in a nice, safe , warm home tonight...
As i sit here and look at my babies ...Sassa and Spotty...I think ..Man you guys have got it good..
it's like my dogs are living the high life...They eat good every day...they play , they go out (and mommy let's them back in , cause it's like.....10 FUCKING BELOW OUTSIDE) they are sooo small and i my next life ..I want to come back as a dog...Yea that's right a dog...I can eat all day (and no one would think i'm fat...they would think i was a pudgy cutie...not that i'm fat or anything,but you know how girls are)..sleep all day, watch t.v. all day (yes i leave the t.v. on for my babies)...They just rock...
That's about all today...oh except i'm sooo siked for my Vegas trip...(are you sis "the girl")...
I am on a strict diet of Beer and Lean goal is 10 pds in 44's do-able!
I just want to wear a Slinkly Silver Dress (oh and i'm going tanning to bring that shit out!!) and feel good about myself and party the f'n weekend away...I can't wait...and guess what ...I WILL LOSE 10 PDS IN 44 DAYS! I'll keep ya posted..I just started my Vegas super Slinky Diet today!
Hope everyone is having a great night...

Silence is NOT golden!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I think the F'n neighbors think it's me!

Ok...If you read the Neighbor update you will know what I am taking about...
Ok...I get up this morning dreading go out to my car to chip away the 5" of ice that is on it..
I get my shower for work and decided..I will go out side , turn on my car and defrost while i am striaigting my hair...
I go outside and the F'n neighbors all 250 of them (lol) are outside scraping the ice off my car windows, one is shoveling my pavement and one is in my ally shoveling the snow to the street..
well my first reaction is....'OMG THEY THINK I'M THE ONE WHO CALLED THE SPCA".. Are they trying to suck up to my good side...I ask myself???? No can't be..why would they.. there a bunch of fucking losers and they know I will beat the mother to death!! So Why are they being so nice?? I don't get it...Are they f'n with me or can it be...that they really are trying to be nice to me??
What else you don't know is these mother f'ers also stole my water while I was at work...I come home for lunch and they had my side hose pulled across my front porch on to there
s and they were...get this....DOING FUCKING DISHES.. Well I freak out at the lady (mother ) who lives there she's crying her eyes out, hoping you don't get her fucking teeth punched out...
I (the nice Pet detective that i am) gives the bitch a break and don't kill her! So I ask my self
now...Why are they being nice??? Himmmmmm ...sounds a little fishy to me...I'll figure out what is up ..I always do.....So Fuckin Physo neighbor better be on the look out for me...CAUSE I'M ALWAYS WATCHIN!!!
Hope everyone has a great Wensday night......(hey trisha, that's a shout out for you since your at the bar partyin! lol

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Asshole Neighbor Update

Well It happend and guess what..I didn't do it...(I know i'm usually to blame)
but the S.P.C.A. was out next door yesterday about the poor puppy being kept outside in this
cold weather....
I don't know why, but the dog is still there...they must of had a kick ass story they were selling, cause they brought it...
I was really excited when I pulled up yesterday and saw the Big Red Truck outside....I thought oh this is gonna be good..there gonna take away the puppy...
Well how disappointing is that...Well i'm gonna make it a point to call once a week and maybe, just maybe someone over there will not buy what these fuckers are saying!!
Really nothing else to report...Except it's cold and My heater is now acting up....1 year in the house and now I might have to get a new one...WTF!!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I'm back!

Hi Everyone,
well i'm back and up again with this computer! Whezzz i thought i was going to go out and bye a new one..which would bite , since i'm poor and all! lol...
Been sick with the flu since Sunday and fianlly went back to work today..Thank god, cause the weekends' coming! Me need some major fun!!!! Hope all is well, nothing really to report , since
i've been eighter on the couch or prayin to my little man in the toilet , or throwing up..(i know , i know that's gross!)..
Oh except for one thing...I AM CALLING THE SPCA ON MY PYSO F'N NEIGHBOR'S..
I was lying on the couch and kept hearing this terrible whining sound..So I went out back last night to check it out..(yes, I'm a detective) and there was this poor little dog...couldn't be no older than 6 months with his neck tied in a rope to a tree..he was sooooo cold....I was taking to him, telling him hold on...just hold on..He was pulling himself trying to get out of the rope and choking himself....I ran back through my house and out the front door , to bang next door...When a cars pulls up and he gets out... So I'm yellin at him ..saying hurry up and get that dog inside he's gonna freeze to death..or kill himself trying to get loose...So he's like..oh..ok i just put him out like 15 mins ago...HELLO F'N IDIOT THE DOG IS 6 MONS OLD, HAD NO HAIR HOW THE FUCK LONG DO YOU THINK HE IS GOING TO LAST!!..I was pissed... So i run out back to make sure he is coming..Well he goes over and touchs the dog..oh which by the way is a PIT BULL...and he says...oh yeah he is a little cold...DUHH YOU he takes the dog inside..I slept on the couch last night ..just in case they let that dog out again and left him...I would jump the fence until him and take him there myself (the spca, that is)..Poor little thing.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Computer Problems..UGH!!

Hi Peeps,
Been having some computer problems..with it running so slow and all i go out and by
one of these programs..(for 30.00 freaking bucks) to make my computer go faster..and guess
what it didn't...UGH...So this week has been ok ..Had a great Friday night ..hung out with "The girl" and had a great nothing really else is going on....So i'm gonna finish my beer and try to get on facebook.which is sooooo slow.....But i'll give it a shot..Have a good night!

Friday, January 9, 2009


Yesterday I had a flat tire on the interstate. So I ease my car over to the shoulder of the road, carefully get out of the car and open the trunk. I took out 2 cardboard men, unfolded them and stood them at the rear of my car facing oncoming traffic. They look so lifelike you wouldn't believe!They are in trench coats exposing their nude bodies and private parts tothe approaching drivers. But to my surprise, cars start slowing down looking at my lifelike men.And of course, traffic starts backing up. Everybody is tooting theirhorns and waving like crazy. It wasn't long before a state trooper pulls up behind me.He gets out of his car and starts walking towards me. I could tell hewas not a happy camper!'What's going on here?''My car has a flat tire', I said calmly.'Well, what the hell are those obscene cardboard men doing here by theroad?'I couldn't believe that he didn't know. So I told him, 'Helloooooo, those are my emergency flashers!'AND THEY THINK I'M A Dumb BLONDE!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Someone Help Me!!!!

Ya know guys, i'm sitting here pretty lonely tonight...i am acutally crying while trying to type..
I guess i shouldn't be lisiting to Deliha..she plays pretty sad songs...I pretty depressed that i come home to an empty house every single there something wrong with me that I can't keep a boyfriend? Yes ...i do admit i am the one who ends it 99% of the time ..but still this pretty much sucks ass...i think I better put on a heavy metal channel on the radio and TURN DELIHA THE FUCK OFF.. "The Girl" wish you were here smokin "smokes" with me..I need some company and if the angels (dogs) can talk i'd be alright! LOL LOL

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

As I'm sitting here....

Hi Peeps , Happy Hump day and hope it's going well and fast for everyone..

As I'm sitting here breaking another resolution..Yes I'm having pizza for lunch..UGH!!

I am wondering where do I get a Tee-Shirt that makes my ass look great like "The Girl's"

I Need one, I want one!!

Tonight the construction guy is suppose to come tonight to Finish what the other one "t" was supposed to do..Hear come to find out..that Timmy (the painter) told Tony (the boss), that I can go fuck myself ..He isn't doing it because Of New Year's eve and I'm being a total bitch about it...HELLO YOU STARTED A JOB, FUCKIN FINISH IT ASSHOLE..Go Figure...He fucks me over and I end up the bad guy..Well Fuck him!!!! I already have a friend who is going to kick his ass over this and get my money!! So he better look out...UNCLE KNUCKLES IS COMING FOR YOU T!!!

Well That's about it for now!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Nightmare Constuction Crew...

Hi everyone,
I know i'm blogging like crazy tonight..I'm sitting here reading and enjoying people's blog's getting to know knew ones and guess what...There's a knock on the front door! Now remember back a couple weeks ago , I had a breakfast bar put in my house...And well to make a short story short...There were 2 guys on the job (one my friend T who also stole my sleeping pills while on the job) One is to do the acutal labor , cut the whole in the wall and put the trim up and so on..the other one "my so called friends" job was to just paint/stain it when it was done...Well the job got done (the cutting part and trimming) and all that was left was to paint..Well the painter never came by and finish my job...i was calling him and leaving messages and he would say..Oh suzie i'll be down tomorrow, well tomorrow never came..Well on New Year's eve ..I had a couple of drinks in me..I called, well he blew me off..was like saying..Ok...Ok..Ok..and hung up on me..Well me...I called his mother fucking robbing stupid ass back and guess what his bitch answers to phone and proceeds to call me a Whore, slut every name in the book..Well he is a cheater and I know this I used to date him..but we ended up staying good friends ..until now that is....She thinks i'm fucking her man..they get into a hugh fight and BREAK UP! LOL STUPID BITCH, I'M NOT FUCKING YOU MAN...YOU BROKE UP WITH HIM FOR NOTA...WELL I'M SURE HE DID SOMETHING..LOL...Anyway the first guy just knocked at my door...And he is coming tomorrow to finish what he paid T to do....He was sooooo sorry he said..I am going to have work on my kitchen and this guy still wants to do the work and says to me, I won't hire T this time...I'll bring another guy...Now Question: Should I trust him..He did come back after he heard T never showed up to finish..
Hmmmmm....Something for me to ponder...


OMG peeps I just started my Resoultions for the new year today....

I fucking broke 2 of my rules already! LOL LOL LOL

I had a pc of bread (sis , the loaf you gave me sat. night)...I MUST THROW THIS AWAY NOW



I am having a beer....well many beers...But hey atleast I'm home and not at the bar right!!

Oh well tomorrow is another day. Just thought I share that with ya'
Peace out!

The Mailman!

One Monday morning a mailman is walking the neighborhood on his usual
As he approaches one of the homes he noticed that both cars were still in
the driveway. His wonder was cut short by Bob, the homeowner, coming out
with a load of empty beer and liquor bottles.
"Wow Bob, looks like you guys had one hell of a party last night," the
mailman comments.
Bob, in obvious pain replies, "Actually we had it Saturday night. This is
the first I have felt like moving since 4:00 am Sunday morning.
We had about fifteen couples from around the neighborhood over and it got a
bit wild. Hell, we got so drunk, around midnight we started playing WHO AM
The mailman thinks a moment and says, "How do you play that?"
Well, all the guys go in the bedroom and we come out one at a time with a
sheet covering us and only our "privates" showing through a hole in the
sheet. Then the women try to guess who it is."
The mailman laughs and says, "Damn, I'm sorry I missed that."
"Probably a good thing you did," Bob responds. "Your name came up four or
five times."

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year Eve Night

Hi Peeps,
Well I hope everyone's New Year's Eve night was great...(Hey Loni..Did you end up babysitting?)
Mine..well not to sugar coat it ..but it was the MOST BORINGEST NIGHT IN THE HISTORY OF NEW YEARS EVE!!!.. I go to the club....No one is there...well except for the usual regulars that are there 24-7....The Bartender was sooo miserable (Sis...Bob (spitter) bartendend and he was not happy to be there, he was also drunk as hell)...So it ended up being me and my friend Mona and my friend Chris ..who I think is totally hot and mona knows it and flirts with him in front of me...go figure!!...So get this...Bob the bartender is not in a good mood, so playing the juke box was kinda iffy...but we were aloud as long as the volume was -50 hehehaha....So it nears midnight and now there is only 5 people in the bar and that includes Bob...Well Midnight comes and I turn around and Kiss Chris right on the lips...not once...not twice ...not even three times...but FOUR yes I did! The look on Mona's face was FUCKING PRICELESS! lol...Well then Mona decides to top me one and offer to drive him home...She did, I left and Happy Fucking new year to me...LOL.....
Well ....Also I was very sadded to hear that Jett Travoltra died today..(the son of John, the cutest actor on the planet)..Rip Jett...Prayer to you , Kelly and Ella Blue...
Good Night peeps got a 30 pack and some funny smokes (just kidding coppers) and gonna go get a buzzzzz going..
Sis...If you are reading this tonight...I will see you around 7:00 for "J"'s birthday...Love ya!!!
Shout to Efin, Laura and Lonnie!!!!!!!!

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