Thursday, January 29, 2009

Silence is NOT golden!!

The title says it all!! It's been to damm quite over there...and i haven't heard the puppy at night...
Hmmmm..Hope's she alright and in a nice, safe , warm home tonight...
As i sit here and look at my babies ...Sassa and Spotty...I think ..Man you guys have got it good..
it's like my dogs are living the high life...They eat good every day...they play , they go out (and mommy let's them back in , cause it's like.....10 FUCKING BELOW OUTSIDE) they are sooo small and i my next life ..I want to come back as a dog...Yea that's right a dog...I can eat all day (and no one would think i'm fat...they would think i was a pudgy cutie...not that i'm fat or anything,but you know how girls are)..sleep all day, watch t.v. all day (yes i leave the t.v. on for my babies)...They just rock...
That's about all today...oh except i'm sooo siked for my Vegas trip...(are you sis "the girl")...
I am on a strict diet of Beer and Lean goal is 10 pds in 44's do-able!
I just want to wear a Slinkly Silver Dress (oh and i'm going tanning to bring that shit out!!) and feel good about myself and party the f'n weekend away...I can't wait...and guess what ...I WILL LOSE 10 PDS IN 44 DAYS! I'll keep ya posted..I just started my Vegas super Slinky Diet today!
Hope everyone is having a great night...


Anonymous said...

I hope the pup is good! Hopefully they got the fucking message that most people don't tolerate that shit!
On another note, I may have to try the lean cuisine and beer diet! Good luck with the 10 lbs and I know you and "The Girl" are gonna have a blast!

Suzie said...

Trisha: Thanks..and still no noise from next door..Hmmmm..
me and my sister "the girl" are so going to have a blast, she get's rid of the "Asshole" for 4 days..
And I'm gonna find One! lol lol

The Girl said...

I am so looking forward to it, I can't breathe when I think about it 4 days of pure heaven.

Evil Twin's Wife said...

Good luck with the weight loss. I think I'll try the Lean Cuisine/wine plan. :-)

Suzie said...

lol, I hope it more ordering more TACO BELL. my favorite and no more Pizza..Did you know 1 small slice of pizza had 380 calories..OMG, and I lived on that shit!!!
Slinky Dresses and short short from now on! lol


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