Saturday, February 7, 2009

I'm Home from UNO FEST!!

Hey All, I'm home from Uno Fest and I did NOT come home with the trophey..But I had a Blast!
I came home with 37 bucks in winnings and a nice load!
My Ma and Pa i think had a better time then I did...They were laughs and giggles al night long and it was sooo great to see my parents act like teenagers like that...
sis ..if you coulda saw it you woulda cracked up was soo sweet!
Any way ..hope ya all had a great Sat. night..I'm off to bed..Sweet Dreams bloggers!!!


Evil Twin's Wife said...

The Evil Twin and Buddy have really been getting into playing UNO these days. I'm glad because it's teaching Buddy to be a better sport when he doesn't win...

loosecannon said...
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loosecannon said...

Dear Suzie:

I wanted to let you know that RUFKM has moved to a new format and can't be "followed" through Blogger but we don't want to loose you. You can still get your daily dose of dumb by subscribing to it on your favorite reader. Just go to and click on the RSS logo. We hope you continue to enjoy our buffoonery.

Loni's World said...

Aw at least you had fun!


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