Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Wow! I don’t know if he fell while running or if he fell asleep while eating … definitely going to be a story for this kid for the rest of his life.

How many times have we been told...and have told our children...

NOT to run in the house? Did we always listen? Do they listen? Not always.

Sometimes our seemingly futile efforts fail, and 'boo-boo's' happen.

Here is a little guy who didn't listen, and he got his own souvenir scars.

Perhaps he'll learn from his mistake. Maybe....Doesn't look too bad. But perhaps he should keep this next photo handy to explain the way it happened!......scroll down

owowowowowowowowowOwOwowowowowowowowowOOOHHHHH!!!That's GOTTA hurt!!!!(pic taken in the emergency room)

1 comment:

The Girl said...

I got that email today from someone. Ouch. He looks like he turned out ok. NO RUNNING WITH FORKS.


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