Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I am pretty annoyed today..As you all know, I HAVE NO LOVE LIFE AT ALL AND IT BLOWS..
The one person I really really care about is basically staying with one of my (so called) friends off and on until he finds out what he's going to do with himself...She used to tell me all the time, that he asks about me and to tell me Hi and asks how i was doing...This has been going on since December (her giving me info on the man I love)...But now it seems like she never has anything to say anymore...If I ask her what's going on with him...she'll say something like, oh he was at my house but i didn't really talk to him....as a matter of fact she just said that to me a couple of minutes ago.....I don't understand..I would tell her what I knew...Now i can't stop crying and it blows....Now she tells me NOTHING.....I am really starting to f'n hate her guts for putting me though this...Anyway...Fuck everythink I don't f'n care anymore......Don't act like my friend one minute and then diss me the next...(And yes Sis , you know who I am talking about)...She knows i want to know what's up....But no she won't tell me anything, I don't care if it's good news or bad...She started this by telling me what he was saying and now it stops...I'm mad....


The Girl said...

Suzie: You know that I am always on your side right or wrong....but in this case, he hurt you bad - remember - maybe she doesn't want to hurt you anymore. This is just my estimated guess, because I don't know anything, he is never there when I am at her house. Try to remember that maybe she doesn't want you hurting and maybe you should move on from him. I understand how hard it is to let him go, but you know the saying.....If you love something let it go, if it comes back it was meant to be.

Don't ever forget how much I love you. Now, buck up and stop the tears, because he is not worth one of them.

I love you (hugs)

Efen said...

Hmmm...ok, knowing how guys are, let me give you some straight truth..Guys are, well...basically fucked and this guy is no different (I'm sorry Suzie if you don't want to hear that).

That whole 'I don't know what I want..give me some time (or space) to figure it out'...well, thats all bullshit. It's just an excuse for not owning up.

Guys know exactly what they want but by and large, we're all fuckin pussies when it comes down to tellin a girl the truth...I dunno why..but thats the way it is.

All this does is make the girl feel worse because she's sittin around waiting for an answer, any answer but usually ends up with nothing, except the pain and heartache.

Guys rarely change. He is what he is.

Suzie....time to move on. Once you've accepted this, you'll feel so much better and the world, as a whole, will look much brighter.

My 2 cents.....hope you feel better soon. Hope I didn't make you mad or anymore upset.

The Girl said...

Efen: Thanks for the guy's outlook, it might help, even if just a little

Elle said...

I'm sorry :( Been there, as we all have...but it never gets any easier, does it? Hang in there, honey.


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