Friday, December 19, 2008

Loni's World

Hey everyone, Happy Friday night..."The girl....what you up to??" " shout out to Efin and Laura" hope your having a great night..
Anyway I read this blog from Loni's World (i got the link from my bestest sista ever ..the girl..)
and she reminds me of "The Girl" alittle...any way if you get the time check out her's pretty cool....

I can't wait for Part 3 of the Cannon, I'm sooooo excited to see what happens between Jen, Corn and him, he's keeping me hanging, I keep checking to see if he posted part 3 yet but he didn't...
"Hey Loni...check his blog out..this story is f'n funny as shit".......

Ok Kids...Gotta go smoke..(if your the cops, i'm talking about a Cig...OK!!!)..not..
Later Peeps....
P.S...Sis..(the girl) I really hope your having a great night
Laura....I hope you found the flower
Efin..I just love you!!!


The Girl said...

Suzie: Friday night, uneventful.. On my way to get the tree. Loni's awesome. And if you like Cannon, you'll love Captain Boondoggle. They write on the same site. Have a great weekend. See you Sunday

Efen said...

So nice for the 'shout out' :)

I love being 'loved' from a girl 'up east' :)

Loni's World said...

Aww thanks! I think that is what sucked me in to your sister's page, I saw a bit of me in her. (It might be a Leo thing) I have yet to release my "Whole" self on the blog and trust me when I do watch out!
Thanks for keeping me busy at work.
haha I mean on my own time uuhhhh at home?

Loni's World said...

OMG I just read the post from cannon, We need #3!!!!!!

Suzie said...

lol, Hi guys..
I know, I keep checking every day!!
I hope he puts in on there soon, i am dying to know what happens...

Efin...East girl Rock!!! lol
HEy Sis!!!


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