Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thirsty Thursday

Hi Peeps,

Just sitting here in work waiting for this long ass day to come to an end so I can go enjoy a couple of cocktails at the club with my daddy..I wasn't going to go, cause there is a big lodge meeting tonight and I hear it's gonna get ugly...And ofcourse I must be there to have my dad's back incase Beth the Drunk and her Asshole Commander Husband shows up and starts trouble,,cause if she does, I'm gonna rip her fucking face off and that my friends is no lie...So If I do not blog tomorrow that means I'm in the slammer, jail, the Clink or the hole which ever you prefer to call it..I hope my night doesn't turn out that way, but if it does then so be it! lol...

Sis ya wanna come, might be worth it to see some bitch slappin! hehehahaha..

Well that's about it on the rainy afternoon..Hope ya all have a super night...

Sis..have you heard from "N" yet?


The Girl said...

Well I read this a little too late. Computer down at home. What happened??????? You haven't called for bail money yet, so I assume nothing??? Let me know ASAP. Are you going to the family party tomorrow??????

And No, your niece has not called me yet. She only talks to Jess.

Suzie said...

hey, nothing happened , Commander cancelled the meeting, proably cause he couldn't come up with receipts/excuses on where all the money went! lol, No nothing happened..Daddy looked sooo cute yesterday he had to work a xmas party upstairs last night....
Yup going to party tommorrow, got my work party tonight, very busy weekend.


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